Winter 2007 (21.4)

This issue features Tim Hayward on human rights versus emission rights; Richard Vernon on duties towards compatriots; Andrew F. March on Tariq Ramadan; Thomas Diez on Turkey and the EU; Scott Snyder on religious NGOs in North Korea; Brian Orend on the Just War tradition; and reviews on books of interest.


Reading Tariq Ramadan: Political Liberalism, Islam, and "Overlapping Consensus"
Andrew F. March

Expanding Europe: The Ethics of EU-Turkey Relations
Thomas Diez

American Religious NGOs in North Korea: A Paradoxical Relationship
Scott Snyder


Human Rights Versus Emissions Rights: Climate Justice and the Equitable Distribution of Ecological Space
Tim Hayward

States of Risk: Should Cosmopolitans Favor Their Compatriots?
Richard VernonĀ 


The Rules of War [Full Text]
Brian Orend


Does Foreign Aid Really Work? [Double Review]
Roger C. Riddell
Foreign Aid: Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics
Carol Lancaster
Review by Robert Picciotto

Promoting the Rule of Law Abroad: In Search of Knowledge
Edited by Thomas Carothers
Review by Simon Stacey

All Politics Is Global: Explaining International Regulatory Regimes
Daniel W. Drezner
Review by Jonathan Bach

The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank, and Their Borrowers
Ngaire Woods
Review by Joseph P. Joyce

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