Winter 2011 (25.4)

This issue features an essay by Shashi Tharoor on Security Council reform; feature articles by Kirsten Ainley on "excesses of responsibility" in international criminal law and by Daniele Archibugi and David Held on the paths toward cosmopolitan democracy and the agents who may have an interest in bringing it about; a review essay by Stephen Guest on Ronald Dworkin's magnum opus, Justice for Hedgehogs; and book reviews.


Security Council Reform: Past, Present, and Future [Full Text]
Shashi Tharoor


Excesses of Responsibility: The Limits of Law and the Possibilities of Politics
Kirsten Ainley

Cosmopolitan Democracy: Paths and Agents
Daniele Archibugi and David Held


The Unity and Objectivity of Value
Stephen Guest

REVIEWS [Full Text]

The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Review by Sharon Krause

Cosmopolitan Regard: Political Membership and Global Justice
Richard Vernon
Review by David Miller

The Practice of Global Citizenship
Luis Cabrera
Review by Mark Gibney

Global Justice and Due Process
Larry May
Review by Eric A. Posner

Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference
Edited by Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper
Review by Eva Marlene Hausteiner


Briefly Noted

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