Winter 2016 (30.4)

We are pleased to announce the publication of the fourth and final issue in EIA’s 30th anniversary volume. This issue includes an essay by Kristy A. Belton on the UN Refugee Agency's global #IBelong Campaign to eradicate statelessness, the first of a two-part series; a feature by Tim Meijers and Marlies Glasius on the expressivist potential of international criminal courts; a book symposium on Allen Buchanan's The Heart of Human Rights, featuring essays by Pietro Maffettone, David Miller, Andrea Sangiovanni, Jesse Tomalty, Lorenzo Zucca, and a response from Allen Buchanan; a review essay by Jennifer C. Rubenstein on the lessons of effective altruism; and five book reviews.


Ending Statelessness through Belonging: A Transformative Agenda? 
Kristy A. Belton 


Trials as Messages of Justice: What Should Be Expected of International Criminal Courts? 
Tim Meijers and Marlies Glasius


Introduction [Full Text]
The Editors

On Constitutional Democracy and Robust International Law 
Pietro Maffettone

Human Rights and Status Egalitarianism 
David Miller

Are Moral Rights Necessary for the Justification of International Legal Human Rights? 
Andrea Sangiovanni

Justifying International Legal Human Rights 
Jesse Tomalty

The Fragility of International Human Rights Law 
Lorenzo Zucca

Human Rights: A Plea for Taking the Law and Institutions Seriously 
Allen Buchanan


The Lessons of Effective Altruism [Full text]
Jennifer C. Rubenstein

REVIEWS [Full text]

On War and Democracy 
Christopher Kutz
Review by John Keane

Taking Sides in Peacekeeping: Impartiality and the Future of the United Nations 
Emily Paddon Rhoads
Review by Ruben Reike

The Planet Remade: How Geoengineering Could Change the World
Oliver Morton
Review by Gernot Wagner

Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership 
Sarah Fine and Lea Ypi
Review by Shelley Wilcox

The Hillary Doctrine: Sex & American Foreign Policy
Valerie M. Hudson and Patricia Leidl
Review by Kristen P. Williams

To access this Table of Contents on our publisher's website, click here.

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