Online Exclusive 02/16/2017 Essay

30th Anniversary Volume Editors' Picks

From the Editors

Ethics & International Affairs is pleased to present a special collection of Editors’ Picks from its 30th Anniversary Volume. The 2016 volume included essays and articles that help close the gap between theory and practice on a diverse array of topics, including drones, immigration, gender, and climate change. This collection features contributions from such senior figures as Amitai Etzioni, David Miller, and Richard Ned Lebow as well as leading younger scholars. The Editors welcome you to explore these selections online at

Defining Down Sovereignty: The Rights and Responsibilities of Nations (30.1)
Amitai Etzioni

Democracies and the Power to Revoke Citizenship (30.1)
Patti Tamara Lenard

Robots and Respect: Assessing the Case Against Autonomous Weapon Systems(30.1)
Robert Sparrow

Hans Morgenthau and The Purpose of American Politics (30.1)
Richard Ned Lebow

The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Humanitarian Drones (30.2)
John R. Emery

Democracy, Exile, and Revocation (30.2)
David Miller

Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy in the Making: Ethics, Politics, and Gender (30.3)
Karin Aggestam and Annika Bergman-Rosamond

Climate Contributions and the Paris Agreement: Fairness and Equity in a Bottom-Up Architecture (30.3)
Nicholas Chan

Ending Statelessness through Belonging: A Transformative Agenda? (30.4)
Kristy A. Belton

Trials as Messages of Justice: What Should Be Expected of International Criminal Courts? (30.4)
Tim Meijers and Marlies Glasius