Online Exclusive 09/16/2013 Blog

Upcoming Conferences of Interest

From the Editors

These upcoming conferences may be of interest to our readers. Bear in mind the rapidly approaching deadlines! More information can be found on the organizers' websites.

Bowling Green State University Graduate Workshop in Applied Philosophy

(Bowling Green, Ohio) Friday | Friday, November 13, 2013

The Philosophy Department of Bowling Green State University invites submissions to its inaugural Graduate Student Workshop in Applied Philosophy. The aim of the workshop is to bring together graduate scholars working in applied philosophy topics to encourage constructive discussion and debate. Each presenter will be given an undivided audience, a commentator and at least 20 minutes for questions.

This year's theme is Animal and Environmental Philosophy, and the keynote speakers is Paul Thompson (W.K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural, Food and Community Ethics; Michigan State University).

Important Dates:

Submissions Due: September 20, 2013

Submissions should include two separate documents: A cover page that
includes the title of the paper and contact information for the author; a
paper, not to exceed 4000 words, should be included in a separate document and
prepared for blind review.

Submit all documents in .doc/.docx or .pdf format to [email protected].

Graduate Conference in Contemporary Political Philosophy at the Sorbonne

(Paris, France) | December 13, 2013

Hosted by the research group“Norms, Societies and Philosophies” (NoSoPhi), the graduate conference aims at giving young scholars the opportunity to compare and assess the various methods and leading questions at the forefront of contemporary political philosophy by presenting a paper on their current research.

We welcome papers on any topic related to contemporary political philosophy, such as:

  • Power, authority, legitimacy
  • Domination and exploitation
  • Equality and inequalities
  • Theories of rights
  • Democracy
  • Theories of justice
  • Cosmopolitanism
  • Gender studies
  • Environmental philosophy, animal ethics

Submissions Due: September 20, 2013

Graduate students are invited to submit a paper (3000 to 5000 words, in French or in English), before September 20th, 2013, to: [email protected], [email protected].

Upcoming Meeting: The Relationship between the Rule of Law and Transitional Justice: Synergies and Tensions

(New York, New York) | October 31, 2013, 1:00-4:00 P.M.

The Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Interest Group of the American Society of International Law will host a meeting to continue to explore the relationship between transitional justice and rule of law as one of its current thematic priorities. Using case studies, we will explore this theme from two perspectives: ----
1) Earlier literature often assumed that certain departures from the rule of law (such as uniformity, certainty, equality before the law and non-arbitrariness) were necessary in order to enable the (re)establishment of the rule of law in the future. However, this assumption is beginning to be questioned. Are there examples in which exceptionalism within transitional justice negatively impacts upon the (re)emerging legal system and its treatment of human rights violations and crimes under international law in the future? To what extent can and should the transitional justice and rule of law communities work together to minimise the potential for the normalisation of exceptionalism?

2) On the flip side, transitional justice processes - particularly truth commissions and special tribunals - often incorporate a higher degree of due process and protection of victims' rights and participation than the existing legal system. To what extent can and should these innovations trigger reforms in the national legal system? Is this a feasible project for the transitional justice and rule of law communities? Rule of law reforms can also affect transitional justice through changes to victims' access to criminal and civil systems, introduction of plea bargaining, anti-corruption measures, recognition of informal systems, or other reforms. How can tensions with transitional justice be minimized, and synergies maximized, as both processes move forward?

Submission Due: September 25, 2013

Based on this theme, we invite the submission of a short abstract of 150 words by 25 September, 2013 to Lorna McGregor at [email protected].