Online Exclusive 10/4/2016 Blog

Upcoming Conferences of Interest 2016-2017

From the Editors

We have compiled a list of upcoming conferences related to the fields of ethics and international affairs. We hope you find something that interests you!

Rit Vimarsh Third International Conference on Violence and Humanity

Date: October 14-17, 2016

Location: India International Center, New Delhi, India

Violence is one of the biggest dilemmas for humanity. It is perceived as a problem as well as the solution to the almost all the problems that have been faced in the history of humanity. With the development of technology humankind has become increasingly capable of inflicting violence. Today, traditional wars are curtailed, but unconventional types of conflicts are increasing. Terrorism is becoming a standard procedure of resistance and offence. In the field of social sciences, violence is probably the most discussed issue, but mostly this discussion is done in a categorized form. Lots of research and discussions are taking place in the field of domestic violence, crime, violence against children, terrorism related violence etc., but a comprehensive approach still seems to be lacking. Rit Vimarsh is pleased to announce the Third International Rit Vimarsh Conference on Violence and Humanity.

Second International Symposium on "Politics and Society in the Islamic World"

Date: October 20-21, 2016

Location: Torun, Poland

Planned as a joint initiative of the Arabic Language and Culture Centre, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, the Department of Middle East and North Africa, and the Department of European Islam of Warsaw University, the international symposium will focus on political and social issues of the Muslim world in the 20th and 21st century. Presentations on the various parts of the Islamic world – from Morocco to South-East Asia, including also Muslims in the diaspora – will analyze issues of domestic policy of states inhabited by Muslims as well as foreign policy and international relations.

Association for Political Theory (APT) Conference 14th Annual Conference

Date: October 20-22, 2016

Location: Ohio State University

This year we will continue experimenting with a new panel format. A workshop panel will consist of three presenters and a chair, but instead of a traditional discussant, the panelists and pre-registered audience members will read all papers and prepare written comments for the presenters. At the conference, participants will spend approximately 40 minutes work-shopping each of the papers.

Vision(s) of Politics: The Thought of Sheldon Wolin

Date: November 3, 2016

Location: York University, Toronto, Canada

In honor of Professor Wolin’s recent passing, we invite scholars, students, and community activists to participate in a one-day conference at York University centered on the influence of his work and life. Examining the works of Sheldon Wolin invites us to engage with a variety of theoretical and practical issues that have animated recent discussions in political theory. The goal of this conference is to facilitate dialogue on a wide variety of social and political topics to encourage critical reflection in the spirit of Wolin and his influential contributions to political thought.

Human Rights: Founding Myths and Historical Perspectives

Date: November 24-25, 2016

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

This conference is intended to encourage the discussion of ideas associated with the latest studies in Human Rights through a complete, plural and multi-faceted approach. The general thematic framework of discussion includes the History of Political Ideas, Legal History, and Legal Theory regarding timeless general and operative concepts, with an emphasis on modern and contemporary historical periods.

International Conference on Religion Studies

Date: December 2nd-3rd, 2016

Location: Nippon Meeting Halls, Istanbul, Turkey

The event will be held together with DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center). Proposals are welcome from different parts of the world.

Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference

Date: December 5-7, 2016

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

The Conference is organized by Tomorrow People Organization- an internationally recognized not-for-profit organization with headquarters in Belgrade, Serbia. The official language of the conference in English. Attendance of delegates from more than 40 countries is expected. This highly exciting and challenging international conference on peace and conflict resolution is intended to be a forum, discussion and networking place for governmental officials, academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, policy makers, advanced students, and others.

Second International Congress on Human Rights and Duties

Date: December 10, 2016

Location: Delhi, India

Organized by the Yadam Institute of Research, the congress aims to bring together the best scholarly minds from every nook and corner of the world. It will be an intellectual gathering for those working on the given topics of human rights and duties.

New Year's Academic Conferences on Social Sciences and Humanities in Prague, Czech Republic

Date: December 30-31, 2016

Location: Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies, Prague, Czech Republic

International Academic Conference in Prague 2016 is an important international gathering of scholars, educators and PhD students. NY's AC-SSaH 2016 will take place in conference facilities located in Prague, the touristic, business and historic center of Czech Republic.

Second International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2017

Date: January 7-8, 2017

Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka

In today’s knowledge landscape there are powerful drivers for multidisciplinary research. Through simple collaboration, researchers from different disciplines can accomplish more by teaming. Interdisciplinary research moves beyond simple collaboration and teaming to integrate data, methodologies, perspectives, and concepts from multiple disciplines in order to advance fundamental understanding or to solve real world problems. Interdisciplinary research requires either that an individual researcher gains a depth of understanding two or more than one discipline and be fluent in their languages and methodologies, or more frequently that multidisciplinary teams assemble and create a common language and framework for discovery and innovation.

International Conference on Political Transition, Non-Violence and Communication in Conflict Transformation

Date: January 24-26, 2017

Location: Pattani, Thailand

Unfortunately, progress in Asian conflict resolution is overshadowed by a multiplicity of ongoing violent conflicts elsewhere in the world, in places such as in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya. The global threat of radicalised religious movements, the retreat of democratic governance in several regions of the world, and the humanitarian catastrophe of refugees driven from their homes represent serious challenges to human, national and international security. What links these developments is the urgent need to find political and non-­violent means of engaging with fundamental, protracted violent conflicts. A key element is to find effective ways to communicate in and on conflicts and their transformation. It is crucial to explore, develop and nurture effective ways to engage with and the help transform violent political conflicts.

4th Annual International Conference on Political Science, International Relations, and Sociology

Date: February 7-9, 2017

Location: Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

The 4th icPSIRS 2017 will publish all accepted full-text papers in European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Presentations will focus on a broad array of topics, for example: political theory, public administration, ideology, comparative politics, political communication, globalization, state sovereignty, civil society, sociology of culture, religion, media studies, social networks and many others.

Understanding Change in World Politics: ISA's 58th Annual Convention

Date: February 22-25, 2017

Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Much of international relations theory is poorly equipped to understand change. Standard realist theories have little to say about peaceful change, although liberalism proposes several strategies for change and constructivism has focused on ideational change. Yet, we still lack a proper understanding of when and how change happens and how states and international institutions can adapt to transforming world politics peacefully.

The 2017 conference is aimed at taking an assessment of our understanding of change, its different manifestations as well as implications. Theoretical and policy relevant papers and panels can be presented on any key aspect as it pertains to the conference research theme

International Conference on Law and Legal Studies

Date: February 24-25, 2017

Location: Istanbul, Turkey

The conference will be held at Nippon Meeting Halls in Istanbul. The conference is coordinated by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center) and will be organized by BILSAS (Science, Art, Sport Productions). The event will be held together along with the 2017 Conference on Documentation, Experience, and Description of Violence and the 2017 Conference on Dying and Death in Art, Philosophy, Law and Politics. Participants will be able to attend any of the sessions of these conferences.

International Conference on Globalization, Culture and Identity

Date: February 25-26, 2017

Location: Flame University, Pune, Italy

At this juncture, it is useful to pause and explore critical questions and concerns confronting our society. Do opportunities opened up by globalization help individuals and communities break out of the rigid structures of caste and religion? What are the multiple ways in which media helps individuals question new expressions of caste, class and patriarchy? In a globalized world, increasingly marked also by new fundamentalisms, how do individuals and groups articulate their ideas about poverty, equality, justice and development?

Panels will focus on Migration and Diaspora, Youth and Identity, Caste and Religion, Organizations and Identity, and Development and Displacement.

International Conference on Social Movements

Date: March 17-18, 2017

Location: Istanbul, Turkey

Organized by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center) and BILSAS (Science, Art, Sport Productions), the event will be held together with the 2017 International Sociology Conference and the 2017 International Conference on Cultural Studies. Participants will be able to attend any of the sessions of these conferences.

The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion and Philosophy

Date: March 22-25, 2017

Location: Art Center, Kobe, Japan

This international and interdisciplinary conference will act as a centre for academics, practitioners and professionals to discuss new research in the Ethics, Religion & Philosophy. ACERP2017 will create opportunities for the internationalisation of higher education and sharing of expertise. We invite professionals from all corners of the world to develop policies, exchange ideas, and promote new partnerships with organisations and peers.

7th International Conference after Communism: East and West under Scrutiny

Date: March 24-25, 2017

Location: Craiova, Romania

Like a "pointing puzzle," 25 years after the fall of communism, the conference panels explore emotional detachments, but also a peculiar involvement creating and exploiting the inter-disciplinary developments of East-West relations before and after the crucial year 1989 in the fields such as: political sciences, history, economics and law.

The conference will be hosted by the University House and during two intense and exciting days, participants all over the world (professors, professionals, doctoral and post-doctoral researchers) are invited to raise the issue of the study of recent history of the former communist space in connection with the Western world.

2nd Global Conference on Torture

Date: April 1-3, 2017

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

The Torture research stream offers a platform for inter-, cross- and multi-disciplinary dialogue involving participants from across the disciplinary spectrum. The event provides valuable opportunities for knowledge exchange between individuals with an interest and expertise in the topic, including policy and legal experts, representatives from NGOs and philanthropic organizations, activists, medical and clinical professionals, social workers and caregivers, educators, artists, business people, journalists, survivors and perpetrators of torture, historians, and researchers. It is intended that the deep inter-disciplinary engagement facilitated by the event will foster greater understanding of torture, awareness of its effects on survivors and society and action in the areas of prevention and care-giving.

International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES) 29th International Academic Conference

Date: April 5-8, 2017

Location: Rome

IISES is an important international society of economists, social scientists and educators, founded to promote education and scientific research. Our conference enables you to present your research, meet new colleagues and improve your research skills. Attending a scientific conference is always a great opportunity to do some networking. This can help you to start new projects, find collaborators or jobs.

The 5th International SEARCH Conference

Date: May 18-19, 2017

Location: Taylor University, Malaysia

Our conference theme is ‘Social Media in Focus’; a title that speaks of a twin aim of recognizing the growing importance of social media and the need to be aware of its excesses. We hope to foster sophisticated dialogue regarding communication issues that arise from handling social media as well as the risks that it brings with it. This requires recognizing that social media is here to stay and also foster academic debate about its influence in modern life.

SIETAR Europa Congress 2017

Date: May 22-27, 2017

Location: Dublin, Ireland

With the aim of re-examining our cultural dimensions, understandings and paradigms, we invite submissions that question, critique, explore and refresh our cultural paradigms and theories, and simultaneously share new methods and best practices. We invite those engaged in business, training and research (including independent consultants and educational institutions) shaping the European public sphere, (NGOs, governmental organizations and institutions and private ones as well) as well as media and arts, to participate and share contributions from all disciplines and fields that deal with intercultural topics.

The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies

Date: June 1-4, 2017

Location: Kobe, Japan

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), in conjunction with its global university and institutional partners, is proud to announce The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2017.

This international and interdisciplinary conference will act as a center for academics, practitioners and professionals to discuss new research in cultural studies. ACCS2017 will create opportunities for the internationalization of higher education and sharing of expertise. We invite professionals from all corners of the world to develop policies, exchange ideas, and promote new partnerships with organizations and peers.

The 10th Global Studies Conference

Date: June 8-9, 2017

Location: Singapore

The conference seeks to examine the different types of mobilities that constitute contemporary forms of globalization, which are often understood as sets of processes that generally reduce the costs and obstacles to movements across borders. These movements include money and capital, migrants and labor, ideas and norms, practices and policies of government, resistance and terrorism, technology transfers and data flows, and environmental factors such as pollution and disease. Each one of these concepts and processes is governed by a different logic of mobility both causally and normatively, which suggests that there is no single correct frame for studying all of them. As such, the conference also proposes to investigate the theory and practice of global studies, examining its status as an emerging field, its relationship to the study of global justice, and its connections with activism.