Online Exclusive 05/30/2017 Blog

Upcoming Conferences of Interest 2017-2018

From the Editors

We have compiled a list of upcoming conferences related to the fields of ethics and international affairs through the middle of 2018. We hope you find something that interests you!

For a more recent round-up of conferences covering all of 2018, click here.

The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies

Date: June 1-4, 2017

Location: Kobe, Japan

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), in conjunction with its global university and institutional partners, is proud to announce The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2017. This international and interdisciplinary conference will act as a center for academics, practitioners and professionals to discuss new research in cultural studies. ACCS 2017 will create opportunities for the internationalization of higher education and sharing of expertise. We invite professionals from all corners of the world to develop policies, exchange ideas, and promote new partnerships with organizations and peers.

The 10th Global Studies Conference

Date: June 8-9, 2017

Location: Singapore

The conference seeks to examine the different types of mobilities that constitute contemporary forms of globalization, which are often understood as sets of processes that generally reduce the costs and obstacles to movements across borders. These movements include money and capital, migrants and labor, ideas and norms, practices and policies of government, resistance and terrorism, technology transfers and data flows, and environmental factors such as pollution and disease. Each one of these concepts and processes is governed by a different logic of mobility both causally and normatively, which suggests that there is no single correct frame for studying all of them. As such, the conference also proposes to investigate the theory and practice of global studies, examining its status as an emerging field, its relationship to the study of global justice, and its connections with activism.

ICPSIR 2017 : 19th International Conference on Political Science and International Relations

Date: June 11-12, 2017

Location: Copenhagen

This conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Political Science and International Relations. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Political Science and International Relations.

International Studies Association International Conference 2017: The Pacific Century?

Date: June 15-18, 2017

Location: Hong Kong

This conferences addresses the dynamic Pacific region and the effects of its rapid growth. Drawing on the dual meaning of the word “pacific,” the conference also examines the growing interstate tensions in the region and the role of institutions and conflict resolution in mitigating potential rifts.

Interdisciplinary Conference: Building Bridges in a Complex World

Date: July 6-8, 2017

Location: Crete, Greece

This is an interdisciplinary, inquiry-driven gathering with the main focus on bringing people together to share ideas in a convivial environment. At the beginning of the 21st century, the world is facing challenges that are interconnected, including wars, terrorism, (forced) migrations, global inequalities and asymmetries, climate change etc.

The fundamental constraints to an equitable standard of living for everyone are neither a shortage of resources nor a lack of technological innovations. The main impediments are a lack of political will to reform a global institutional order that produces foreseeable yet avoidable power asymmetries. Whereas on our side, it is potentially experiences of disempowerment and/or the lack of solidarity, which influence our abilities to imagine a just world and to dare enough to play the role of change-makers.

Seventh Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality

Date: July 17-19, 2017

Location: New York City

The conference provides a forum for a rigorous analysis of inequality, welfare, and redistribution issues, both at the theoretical and at the empirical level, as well as for a discussion of the policy implications of the research findings in this field.

International Conference on Sustainable Development

Date: July 28, 2017

Location: Sri Lanka

ICSD 2017 is a forum for presentations and discussion of recent on-going researches and innovations in the field of sustainable development, with leaders from academia and industry worldwide. Time for building important connections while enjoying relaxed conference breaks, lunch and dinner. This would be a great platform for academics, researchers, industry professionals, journalists, students, economists and those who interested in this topic to share knowledge and their achievements.

Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress

Date: August 10-13, 2017

Location: Boulder, Colorado

The conference will include speakers covering areas such as applied ethics, meta-ethics, normative ethics, the philosophy of gender, race and sexuality, the philosophy of law, social and political philosophy, value theory and more.

International Conference on Peace and Conflict Management

Date: August 25, 2017

Location: Sri Lanka

International Conference on Peace and Conflict Management is a forum for presentations and discussion of recent on-going researches and innovations in the field of peace and conflict management, with leaders from academia and industry worldwide. Time for building importantbusiness connections while enjoying relaxed conference breaks, lunch and dinner. This would be a great platform for academics, researchers,industry professionals, students and those who interested in this topic to share knowledge and their achievements.

Empire, Capital, and Transnational Resistance

Date: September 13, 2017

Location: University of Brighton, UK

The anti-colonial revolts of the 1950s and 1960s ran into the sands of neoliberalism from the late 1970s onwards. Operating as it has through neoliberal structures, corporate power has since played an increasingly prominent role in government and governance in the former ‘metropoles’, in former colonies, and in relations across the two. The conference will discuss the implications of, and forms of resistance to, the prominence of corporate power in the postcolonial age.

7th Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations

Date: September 25-26, 2017

Location: Singapore

As the world becomes increasingly integrated the political, social, and cultural boundaries are being re-configured and new challenges emerge. Political power is shifting beyond the traditional state models and governance is taking on new forms. Social conflict arises across different regions of the world. Amidst all of these, political scientists, political experts, academics, and sociologists should be actively engaged in an in-depth discourse by providing an active voice that helps shape the opinions of the public, institutions, and policy-makers.

International Interdisciplinary Conference on Refugee and Forced Immigration Studies in Social Sciences, Humanities and Art

Date: September 29-30, 2017

Location: Istanbul

The conference takes a critical approach to question normative understandings and address empirical puzzles regarding how refugees and international refugee advocacy networks mobilize international and national law and policies to offer new understandings of refugee protection and vulnerabilities. All research seeking to deepen understandings regarding how national institutions define, mediate and respond to refugee legal concerns in crisis will be taken into consideration. In addition to the contemporary refugee crises, historical case studies will be an important part of the event.

Contemporary Arab and Muslim World in International Relations

Date: October 19-20, 2017

Location: Gdansk, Poland

Today there is a need to analyze the complexity of the Arab and Muslim World using a multi-dimensional, and multi-disciplinary approach. Therefore the main goal of the conference is to broaden and promote knowledge about this region of the world.

The conference will address four major dimensions of international relations in the Arab and Muslim World: Politics, Economy, Law, and Culture.

Africa and Africans in National, Regional and Global Dimensions

Date: October 17-20, 2017

Location: Moscow

The Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hold the 14th African Studies Conference titled “Africa and Africans in National, Regional and Global Dimensions.” The working languages are Russian and English. The conference will include talks on the subjects of art and identity, violent extremism, the contribution of indigenous knowledge to commercial enterprise, the legacy of the Cold War, and more.

International Conference on Trust

Date: November 18-20, 2017

Location: Tokyo

No one denies the importance of trust in social relationships. Many scholars view trust as extraordinarily important because of its influence on interpersonal and group relationships. Our economic system is in many ways entirely dependent upon trust because if there were no trust there would be no economic transactions. Thus trust has profound implications for interpersonal and social cooperation. Without trust, societies really could not exist.

The purpose of the Conference is to present current research results, discuss and exchange ideas by meeting together in one place during the most pleasant of Japan’s seasons. The Conference will consist of morning plenary sessions and three afternoon sessions on sociological (including socio-psychological), political science, and organizational research fields.

International Conference on Middle East Studies

Date: November 24-25, 2017

Location: Istanbul

The Middle East and North Africa as a region is intimately connected both regionally and to the wider world. This is true historically, where the region has long acted as a crossroads of trade, culture and ideas, as well as in more contemporary contexts – when Arab protest movements inspired similar actions around the world, and migration within and from the region is having a global impact. It is no coincidence that the Middle East is at the forefront of innovative developments in social media and other networks of communication. The Annual Conference seeks to place networks at the centre of the discussion, encouraging proposals for papers and panels that take up this theme in innovative ways.

The event will be held together along with the Religion Studies ’17/International Interdisciplinary Conference on Religions and Turkey Studies ’17/International Interdisciplinary Conference on Turkey, Turkish Studies and Turkology. Participants will be able to attend any of the sessions of these conferences.

2017 Winter Global Public Policy Symposium

Date: December 7-8, 2017

Location: Los Angeles

The themes of this conference are concerned with the emerging issues in the contemporary society. Some of the key challenges of the present include security, civil society, environment and sustainability, leadership and legitimacy.

The academic community, government, business community and civil society must rise to these challenges. The challenges for all are to reconsider their ways of thinking and this must be reflected in government policies and actions.

This gives rise to the ethical dimension of the current discussions in economics, politics and social. They are vital in tackling these challenges, and achieving the right balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and high quality of life for citizens. A comprehensive policy response to these issues needs to cut across societal level.

POLITSCI ’17/International Political Science Conference

Date: December 8-9, 2017

Location: Istanbul

The conference aims to constitute a forum for prolific exchanges between different theoretical perspectives, interests and concerns prevalent within political science. Presently the world is witnessing a series of radical transformations in the political sphere; the debate about the great transformation of the 2010s is focusing on the process of authoritarianization on the one hand, and on social and political resistance movements on the other. We believe the gathering of scholars who work on the complex web of relationships between political institutions, society, and the individual with a focus on the dialectics between consent and coercion in politics and who seek to transcend perspectives that tend to confine the question of authoritarianism to a schematic struggle between State and civil society will be most fruitful.

Political Economy of International Organizations

Date: February 8-10, 2018

Location: University of Wisconsin-Madison

The PEIO conference brings together economists, political scientists and other scholars to address political-economy issues related to any international organization, including the World Trade Organization, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Union, and also other international organizations that have as yet received less attention in the academic literature. Questions we seek to address include how IOs are organized and governed, what are the incentives of governments dealing with IOs as well as the incentives of the bureaucrats who staff them, and what are the effects of IOs on policy outcomes. We will also consider the interaction of IOs with transnational actors such as commercial lobbies and NGOs. Finally, we have a particular interest in the interaction of the international political economy with the domestic political economy of IO members.

The 31st Camden Conference: New World Disorder and America’s Future

Date: February 16-18, 2018

Location: Camden, Maine

The 2018 Camden Conference will explore shifts in global power and the ramifications for major players, particularly China, the US, and the nations of Europe, in pursuing their national interests. Our speakers will address the impact of globalization, the rise of nationalism, transformations in global economies, and the management of a range of future threats such as climate change, population growth, and cyber insecurity. How can the United States remain competitive economically, preserve national security, safeguard American values, and meet dangerous challenges from unstable countries? What role in the world do Americans want for their country?

St. Petersburg Conference on World Affairs

Date: February 21-23, 2018

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida

The St. Petersburg Conference on World Affairs is a cooperative venture of a group of civic-minded St. Petersburg residents and the University of South Florida St. Petersburg.

Multiple panels of distinguished diplomats, military, media, and academic experts will discuss critical international issues of the day. The public, including students of USF St. Petersburg and other area universities, are cordially invited to attend the conference free of charge.

Middle East Dialogue: A New Collective Vision

Date: March 23, 2018

Location: Washington, D.C.

The Middle East Dialogue (MED) has established an international reputation as a focal point for new research, and a forum for the exchange of opinions and different views. The Middle East Dialogue is for policy makers, scholars, business and social leaders, to discuss current issues.

International Studies Association's 59th Annual Convention

Date: April 4-7, 2018

Location: San Francisco, CA

Power of Rules and Rule of Power:Many approaches to understanding international politics begin with the observation that international politics operates in a condition of anarchy, and that this creates fundamentally different interactions than those we witness in domestic politics. Yet, despite the lack of a formal government, the international system operates through a vast web of rules-- formal and informal, explicit and implicit. While powerful actors may have disproportionate influence in the creation, maintenance, and contestation of rules, explicit and implicit rules also influence notions of power and serve as sources of power. There is an endogenous, mutually constitutive, relationship between power and rules.

Our 2018 conference theme seeks to understand the relative and relational influence of power and rules in international politics. While the interaction between power and rules characterizes the subject we study, it also characterizes the international studies profession. We invite proposals that address and problematize power structures, rules, and norms in our discipline, our universities, and our professional associations as well as in international interactions.
Conference on World Affairs

Date: April 9-13, 2018

Location: Boulder, Colorado

The Conference on World Affairs brings a world of thought leaders together to discuss “everything conceivable” with the residents and students of Boulder. Founded in 1948 as a forum on world affairs, the CWA expanded rapidly in its early years and now encompasses the arts, media, science, technology, politics, business, human rights, and more. The event reaches viewers throughout Colorado and the nation as well through livestreaming and video and audio recordings, archived over many decades. Although most CWA events take place on the University of Colorado Boulder campus, Conference sessions and activities are open to the public and there is no admission fee.

International Conference on International Relations

Date: April 13-14, 2018

Location: Istanbul

This event covers a wide array of international relations topics and will be held on the same days as the Security Studies '18 International Conference on Security Studies and Terrorism Studies '18 International Conference on Terrorism and Political Violence. Participants will be able to attend any of the sessions of these conferences.

ICPSIR 2018 : 20th International Conference on Political Science and International Relations

Date: July 9-10

Location: Prague

The ICPSIR 2018: 20th International Conference on Political Science and International Relations aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Political Science and International Relations. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Political Science and International Relations.

25th World Congress of Political Science

Date: July 21-26, 2018

Location: Brisbane, Australia

The Congress will integrate the annual conference of the Australian Political Studies Association and the biennial Oceanic Conference on International Studies. The Congress will have a rich program under the theme Borders and Margins, which will be coordinated by the Program Co-Chairs Professor Terrell Carver and Professor Füsun Türkmen.