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Online Exclusive 04/19/2012 Blog


From the Editors

We are delighted to announce the launch of the new EIA website and blog! Our ambition is to turn this space into a major destination for research and discussion on the ethical dimensions of global politics.

Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, Ethics & International Affairs has a long tradition of examining the ethical aspects of some of the toughest international challenges. We are a scholarly journal that is consciously oriented toward bringing together theory and practice, and we strive to serve a diverse group of academics, students, policy-makers, NGO professionals, and concerned citizens. It is our hope that our expanded online presence will help us reach a growing circle of readers and have a genuine impact on public discussion and policy-making

The site supplements the print edition of the journal as well as our academic home base at Cambridge Journals Online. As before, subscribers will have full access to all EIA materials through the CJO site, and individual articles may also be purchased there.

Here, we will offer free of charge full-text book reviews, as well as select feature articles and essays. We have also included the TOCs and abstracts for all issues dating back to 2007. Our blog will feature timely normative analysis of global political developments and institutions from leading academics. In addition, we will use this space for announcements about relevant conferences and events, and will highlight upcoming programs at Carnegie Council.

We are excited about the opportunities offered by new publishing formats to engage our readers more closely. We encourage you to use the available features to comment and respond directly to authors, to follow our updates on Twitter, and to learn more about the various resources offered by Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.

This website is a work in progress, and as such we warmly welcome your suggestions about how we can improve your experience as a reader, researcher, or contributor.


The Editors