Online Exclusive 10/14/2016 Blog

What We've Been Reading

From the Editors

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s what we’ve been reading this autumn:

Photo Credit: Glen Scarborough

NYTimes: If War Can Have Ethics, Wall Street Can Too

Both war and the free market have, at times, been considered unmanageable spheres of activity subject to laws of their own, but an effort can (and should) be made to curb their ethical transgressions.

Read more on market regulation and just war theory in Ethics and International Affairs:

Rethinking Central Bank Accountability in Uncertain Times by Jacqueline Best

Just War Theory and the Last of Last Resort by Eamon Aloyo

The Ethical Imperative of Curbing Corporate Tax Avoidance by David Scheffer

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Photo Credit: University of Amsterdam, Atis Library

The Economist: A Tale of Two Ethics: Why Many Germans Think Impractical Idealism Is Immoral

Max Weber's fundamental distinction between two approaches to politics--the ethic of conviction and the ethic of responsibility--informs contemporary Germany's allegiance to practical, rather than idealist, political platforms.

Read more on the limits of metaphysical and practical ethical standpoints in Ethics and International Affairs:

Just War Thinking as a Social Practice by John Kelsay

A Global Ethic and the Hybrid Character of the Moral World by Nicholas Rengger

Reimagining a Global Ethic by Michael Ignatieff

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Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State

Foreign Affairs: Taking Stock of the Stockpile

The United States' nuclear policy has been trending towards non-proliferation but, given recent developments in American domestic politics and international relations, a re-evaluation of this policy may be necessary.

Read more on the role of nuclear arsenals in diplomacy, and on the ethics of nonproliferation in Ethics and International Affairs:

Nonproliferation: A Global Issue for a Global Ethic by J. Bryan Hehir

The Threat of Nuclear Proliferation: Perception and Reality by Jacques E. C. Hymans

The Nonproliferation Complex by Campbell Craig and Jan Ruzicka

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Photo Credit: Lt. Colonel Leslie Pratt

Forbes: How AI, Drones and Big Data Are Reshaping the Future of Warfare

Explore the implications of automatized warfare and the consequences it holds for asymmetrical power struggles.

Read more on autonomous weapon systems and big data in modern warfare in Ethics and International Affairs:

Autonomous Weapon Diplomacy: the Geneva Debates by Jean-Baptiste Jeangene Vilmer

Robots and Respect: Assessing the Case Against Autonomous Weapon Systems by Robert Sparrow

Big Data and International Relations by Andrej Zwitter

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Photo Credit: Ibrahim Qasim

Time Magazine: The Human Rights Abuses in Yemen's "Forgotten War"

The conflict in Yemen between government forces and Houthi rebels emerged out of the Arab Spring protests and has since claimed the lives of over 10,000 people.

Read more about the ethics of human rights, the responsibility to protect, and humanitarian interventions in Ethics and International Affairs.

"Responsibility to Protect" on Trial-- or Assad? by Alex Bellamy and Tim Dunne

The Ethics of Arming Rebels by James Pattison

International Rescue and Mediated Consequences by Ned Dobos

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Photo Credit: Mark Koester

The Washington Post: Colombia's opposition wants to modify peace deal--with a scalpel, not a hammer

After voters shocked the Colombian government, and the world, by rejecting a peace accords with FARC, the opposition has put forward its proposal to revise the deal.

Read more about peace accords in domestic and international politics in Ethics and International Affairs:

Peace as a Transnational Theme by Akira Iriye

Concepts of Peace: From 1013 to the Present by Nigel Young

Viewing Peace through Gender Lenses by Laura Sjoberg

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Photo Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

Vox: The biggest climate change story in the world this week is quietly playing out in Rwanda

Increased demand for air conditioners and refrigerators in countries like China and India has exacerbated greenhouse gas emissions, but states are hoping to curb the effects by amending the Montreal Protocol.

Read more about global warming and environmental regulation in Ethics and International Affairs:

Governing the Environment: Three Motivating Factors by Susan Park

The Dawning of an Earth Ethic by Scott Russell Sanders

A Call for a Global Constitutional Convention Focused on Future Generations by Stephen M. Gardiner