Online Exclusive 10/16/2017 Blog

What We’ve Been Reading

From the Editors

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s what we’ve been reading this month:

Donald Trump & Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Al Jazeera: US and Israel withdraw from UNESCO

Both the United States and Israel have announced plans to withdraw membership of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), citing “continuing anti-Israel bias.”

Read more on the role of the U.S. in global institutions in Ethics & International Affairs:

After Liberal Hegemony: The Advent of a Multiplex World Order (2017)

The Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions (2006)

Book Review: Special Responsibilities: Global Problems and American Power by Mlada Bukovansky, Ian Clark, Robyn Eckersley, Richard Price, Christian Reus-Smit, and Nicholas Wheeler (2014)

Jagath Jayasuriya (Photo Credit: Wikimedia commons)

Washington Post: Why a Sri Lankan leader might be tried for war crimes in Brazil

Human rights groups in South America have filed war crimes lawsuits against Ambassador Jagath Jayasuriya, a former Sri Lankan general, through the use of universal jurisdiction.

Read more on accountability and responsibility for mass atrocities in Ethics & International Affairs:

Excesses of Responsibility: The Limits of Law and the Possibilities of Politics (2011)

Rebirth of Universal Jurisdiction? (2017)

EIA Interview: Antonio Franceschet on the International Criminal Court (2012)

A Mural in Vilassar de Mar (Photo Credit: Wikimedia commons)

The Atlantic: The Catalonia Referendum: 'It's a Constitutional Crisis'

The future of Catalonia remains unclear following the results of a banned referendum. Over 90% of voters endorsed independence, though turnout was only around 42%. Many are wondering what comes next.

Read more on secession and independence in Ethics & International Affairs:

Assessing the Ethics of Secession: Crimea (2014)

The Ethics of Secession in post-Invasion Iraq (2006)

DACA protest in New York (Photo credit: Wikimedia commons)

The Atlantic: Trump Ends Obama-Era Protection for Undocumented Immigrants

The Trump administration announced in early September that it would end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The program shielded nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants from deportation.

Read more on immigration in Ethics & International Affairs:

Immigration Ethics and the Context of Justice (2017)

Book Review of The Ethics of Immigration, Joseph H. Carens (2015)

Rohingya boy (Photo Credit: Steve Gumaer via Flickr)

Human Rights Watch: India Can’t Mistreat Refugees By Not Signing Refugee Convention

India’s home minister, Rajnath Singh, said in a tweet that his government is not violating international law by deporting Rohingya refugees since India has not signed the 1951 Refugee Convention. However, the prohibition on refugee refoulement is classified as jus cogens, from which no derogation is permitted, regardless of whether or not a state has signed the treaty.

Read more on states' responsibilities towards refugees in Ethics & International Affairs:

Introduction: The Responsibility to Protect and the Refugee Protection Regime (2017)

The Normative Terrain of the Global Refugee Regime (2015)